

Why is it that I am 30 years old and I am still battling acne? What's up with that?



Giant Pumpkins

Every year, I am always intrigued by giant pumpkins. I love seeing the picture in the paper every year of the farmer beside his prized pumpkin. It seems unreal that a vegetable can get that big. Also, once you grow it, what do you do with it.

I was surfing and I found this picture of a giant pumpkin kayak race. Evidently, these farmers carve their pumpkins into kayaks and then race them. Pretty cool.


Sometimes it pays to be old

Last night, Jason and I went to Wal-Mart at 10:15. As we were walking in, the greeter told us the doors were closed and we couldn't come in. We went back to the parking lot and got in the car. As we were leaving, a car pulled up to the door and the passenger got out. She was an older lady with a cane. I couldn't believe it, but the greeter let her in. I told Jason that I am going to begin keeping a gray wig and a cane in my car so I can buck the system.



I love weather.com. I check it at least once a day. My favorite is the hour-by-hour forecast.


Library Card

I have a library card!!!! I haven't had one in years. Since I am tutoring at the library, I decided to get one.

Here is my first check-out:

Portuguese Language Tapes--(hoping to better my portuguese)
Trader Joe's (a book on how the business came to be and the inspiration behind it.)

I'm off to read!!!!


Things that Amuse a Language Person

Since I love languages, it is very difficult not to read even when I know that what I'm looking at aren't words. For example, I always have trouble reading the signs that say POW / MIA. I always have a picture in my head of a cute girl named Mia that is getting beat up.

I also always try to pronounce the letters on blogs that are used for security verification. Sometimes they can be really funny. Here are a few for you to try. Let me know your favs.


Extra dough

I have a tutoring job 2 days a week. Woo Hoo! I little extra cash never hurts.

Let me hear you say woo hoo!


Public Restrooms and Cell Phones

I always feel a little weird going into a public restroom and happening on someone who is talking on their cell phone. It happened to me twice tonight.

Anyone else with me?

Voice Lessons

Today I am starting voice lessons. I'm only taking 2, 30 minute lessons a month from the wife of our pastor of Community Groups. I am sooooo excited. I've always wanted to take but never have had the opportunity.

Todd--I hope she'll help me perfect "Victory Chant". (Even though I don't know how it can get any better.) :)