

Who is a music artist that you think is famous, but in your opinion lacks talent?



It's snowing! I truly think snow is God's gift to me so I don't go crazy with the cold, dreary, wintry days. I really don't like cold weather, but when it snows I don't mind the low temperatures so much.

On snowdays I don't ever really get much accomplished. I find myself just sitting beside the window watching it. Sometimes I get up and think to myself, "I've got to get busy". However, if I do get up and go do something, I find that I just end up sitting in a different room staring out a different window.

Snowflakes are so amazing. When examined closely, they really do look like those paper cut-outs we used to make in school. And, no two are alike...so they say. Not really sure how that is proven, I'm sure glad that's not my job.


Why is it that I can be completely exhausted, but can't make myself go to bed? Anyone else put themself through this same misery?